Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cannot Open Silverlight 3 sln in VS 2008 SP1

Installing Silverlight 3 tools from

changes the Visual Studio csproj/sln version and you will not be able to open it on another machine in either VS2008 or Vs 2008 SP1 withouth having Silverlight 3 tools installed .

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Silverlight Collection Flow

A great Collection Flow

Expression Blend 3 - The VSM (GoToState) function

I have been working lately on the Windows 7 multi touch OS on a HP Touchsmart x2 platform trying to rack up a few demo scenarios.

Strangely enough when i tried to work with states in Expression Blend 3 and wire up the code in the code behind for a GoToState with a control, it absolutely dint work.

A lot of msdn'ing' nd googl'in helped me reach this link

It actually will be functional when the "VSM is in the BCL" and for the moment the GoToStateAction behaviour is recommended.


Monday, June 15, 2009

How do you disable Websense ?

Websense:- Ughhhh.. that funny little service that just wouldnt let you visit your favourite social networking sites and check your private mail.
A week back i was bugged by this little "non"sense when i realized that somehow i needed to fix this thing up (or rather down). I rate myself as a fair enough "Googler" but couldnt come up with suitable help. I conluded - 'God helps those who (atleast try to) help themselves. A little bit of system searching told me that that Websense ran as a service .
Now how do you disable that if you dont have admin rights on your system.
Simple - Go to the Websense folder in Program files and copy out all the files from there into another safe folder so that you can restore if something goes wrong (Do not panic if u get an error message that all files cannot be copied). Just press ok. Restart your machine and BINGO! No more websense. How does this work. Ah! simpler still . How would the service start if it dint find its related library files . It simply doesnt start up when you restart the machine next time.
Free bird! Felt great to find the hack. Do let me know if this worked.
Tada. See you soon wid sumthin new.

Friday, June 12, 2009

jQuery - The 2nd best thing to happen to Javascript

The first reaction would be ..which is the first best thing? AjAX of course.

The beauty of jQuery lies in its simplicity and small footprint. Javascript indeed should have been the jQuery way right from start. There will be countless developers who must have been waiting in the shed to jump onto javascript but only for the complexities of handling the DOM through JS ( gees. I dont like the word). jQuery beautifully abstracts this complexity of DOM through extremely useful functions and a CSS style compatible syntax. CSS compataibility means developers who know even a bit of CSS would have no probs adopting this framework!

Its been a week now that i have been playing around with it and can praise this to no end. I would suggest you have a look too.


And some starting guide.

Rick Strahl's guide to jQuery

Friday, February 6, 2009

Surf FREE! - Tunnel HTTP through SSH

Wanting to break free from surfing rules is always an interesting topic. Just how could you evade the prying eyes of the firewalls , the site name checkers placed in the DNS and the administrator's doting eyes.

Here I provide an infamous way of surfing free!. Some smart work is required which is a trait common to all sorts of "nerdy" mischief!

The method is common to POSIX(Read Linux) and Windows systems. I evangelise Microsoft at Office. At home i luv tinkering around with Linux. OK! Lots of TP talk . Lets get down to the core.

Software you would need :-

1) Putty - a SSH client

Alternatives :- any SSH client software would do. I suggest Putty for it is easy to use, and small to download too.

2) OpenSSH - a SSH server software.

Alternatives :- again any SSH server would do

3) Firefox

I do not support IE in this because i could not get this method to work with IE. You could try and tell me if it worked for your case.

Now this is what you need to do. Follow the steps as if they were etched in gold and u will attain nirvana!

1. Install OpenSSH on the machine u have net and u want to tunnel through into. This would ideally be a machine out side your firewall policies but to which you can ping into.

2. U must consider that OpenSSH inherits the usernames and the password windows already has on the local machine. Try and get preferably an admin account on this machine. Its easyy to say this..but this is the toughest part of the job-To break into this machine to get an admin account.
I will put in another post on how to successfully get an admin account on the windows machine if you are not a authorized administrator. In fact chances are you might now be allowed to install OpenSSH too if u are not the admin. More on this in a later post.

3. Now you need to set up SSH i.e. add users from the windows machine into OpenSSh so that somebody can remote logon.
Fire up the command promp and type in the following

mkpasswd -l -u username >> ..\etc\passwd
Substitute -l with -d to add a domain user info into the passwd file of SSH.
mkpasswd -l -u jack >> ..\etc\passwd

You could add a group with the mkgroup command
mkgroup -l >> ..\etc\group

Once this is done you are done with setting up OpenSSH.

now fire in this command
c:\> net start opensshd
This starts off the service and it now waits for incoming connections via port 22. You could change the port configuration by changing the sshd config file.

Now come back to the PC which is behind shackles(read firewall)
Run putty.

Set up a session as shown in the pics below
But before you set up the session you must configure putty for dynamic port forwarding.

Drill down into the connection tab on the left list of items and go into SSH -> Tunnels. Enter the port number you want to forward. Be sure that this outgoing port is not blocked on your system.

Mark the dynamic selection and now go back to the putty main page and enter the IP address of the OpenSSH machine and select SSH as the mode of remote login.

Save this session for future use. Give it a name. Now click on open.
Enter the credentials as required. When connecting for the first time you will be asked for a RSA fingerprint verification. Just click yes. You may not worry. You may not read. For digging deep into it you may look out for information on SSH authentication.

Cool now ! If you see a command prompt, you have been able to log into the machine! Give yourself a pat on the back. If not put down your problem below and i will be happy to help you out.

But there is little more to be done before you can surf free.

Bring up Firefox. You need to be making a few connection setting changes.
You need to configure the proxy settings and allow remote DNS resolving. Things should start working thereafter.

First the connection setings change to enable connection through the SOCKS proxy you just set up!
Click on the setting tab after you have reached to the settings window of Firefox above from Tools->Options.

Now to plug in the settings.

Select SOCKS v5 and put in the same port number you put into the putty config.

Next click on OK and firefox is almost set. Just on last thing and this is the golden tip that will set u free

write about:config into the firefox URL box and press enter. Halloa! a hidden firefox config page comes up.
Scroll down to network.proxy_socks_remote_dns setting and set it to true.

Restart the Firefox browser and surf in glory.
Do post in you queries. Will be happy to resolve. Till then adieu.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

StarK!..thats the name

I havent been able to contribute for quite some time now . Point is am too caught up with MM for this years techfest at IIT Powai-2009. Things are going enjoying every second of it.

Have finished with the board.

Check Motors- Running Fine.

Check Sensors - Running fine.

Check microcontroller - Running fine.

Presently working with the code.

Enjoy this pic of this years MM. Will be contributing it to the Open Source Hardware and Software community once i am done with it.

After all I must give back something from where i have learnt soo much.

This is what my mouse config speaks about.

Motors - Steppers phase resistance is - 4 ohm. They are real small motors

Wheels - 5cm Diameter

Sensors- T.R.I. micromouse sensors.

Motor Drivers- A3983SLPT (Allegro Microstepper and chopping motor drivers). GOSH! these drivers work like a charm. I am one of the few in the community of people who have been able to get these drivers to work withouth problems.
Am at the present using these in the full step mode. Will soon be getting down to the quarter step mode.
Incase you need help in driving these motors you could get to me at

Microcontroller - The ever trustwothy Atmega series . I am specifically using the SMD version of ATmega88. Running his small monster at a lowly 8Mhz internal oscillator

Code - Am working on it. A modofied version of the flood fill with some more put in. Ill share this too.

While making all this 3rd time in a row i learnt a big lesson courtesy
Apple. If you really want to make a good device, "If u really want make good software its important that you make the hardware for it too.!"

Astalavista folks. I would be bak with a complete description of my mouse in the following entries.. meanwhile you could have a look at pics.

For further info u could visit my blog dedicated to Micromouse-

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The MysTical Maze

I just realised , I had a fundamental flaw in my flood fill algorithm that i had been implementing over these years. How could i ignore it..shucks!. Quite similar to the Y2K limit bug found almost a decade back.

Todays office hours were dominated by talks of Satyam's debacle and Raju Ramalingam's resignation and the 5k crore fraud! Not much to do except a lot of reading .

Learnt about Bruce lee's famous one inch punch and John Titor - The man who claims to be from 2036. Yes! He claims of time travelling. Strange!

With time I am gaining confidence in handling SQL Server tuning issues. Must look forward to give a couple of certification exams.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I have a BloG too

Completed my graduation in the June of 2008. I have always known what i have wanted to do i.e. work on making Gadgets (aka James Bond types). Saw Iron Man lately, was greatly inspired, only to find that the "Arc reactor" was a fictional source of Energy .

Another 18 days to go before i have another shot at my dream micromouse. Its been 3 years and i have been "deeply and madly" tried to create a rodent which would traverse that labyrinth successfully.

MiCroMouSE - Thats how its better known in the world of robotics enthusiasts.

i would come up next with further details on this 3rd attempt of mine.