Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Aptana Studio (Getting autocomplete to work with popular Javascript libraries)

I have been using Aptana Studio lately for my PHP projects. Created on Eclipse as the base, I actually found it pretty good to start with. It has support for other languages too such as Ruby and Python(Aptana RadRails and Aptana Pydev respectively) . Take a look at the great number of Javascript libraries that it supports as well (providing great autocomplete features).

I initially could not get Autocomplete support for Jquery after installing the add on. A little bit of digging in got it working. To enable it go to

Window->Preferences->Aptana(Right column)->Editors->Javascript->CodeAssist

You will see check boxes against all the JS libraries you have installed support for. By default they will be unselected. Check them and you are ready to GO!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Jquery Treeview Plugin

Take a look at this amazing small Jquery Treeview plugin . 7.4K , uncompressed mind you!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Search Engine Optimization

Are you making a Website ? Sure you do want it to come up on Google Search. The google bots are crawling around all the time .

This is one of the huge welcoming signs for Go...

Image via Wikipedia

The quickest way to get listed in Google is to submit your site at the URL
Do also add your sitemap to google using the Webmaster Tools.
Now the more important part- SEO .

Follow the Search Gods guidelines
Webmaster Guidelines and reap benefits.

Reblog this post [with Zemanta]

Search Engine Optimization Guidelines

Are you making a website ?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Whats New in PHP 5

PHP 5 indeed has a whole new Gamut of features than PHP 4. One of the features which stand out is renewed support for OOP.

I came across this really good comparison link. Only problem is i did not find a Next link (LOL) so you will need to go to the next link by changing the index number in the url from 1 to 2 to 3 and so on.

Another one is

Why Does Email from a domain go into Spam

You will need to have an SPF record defined in your domain for mails to not go into spam.
Find more info here in this forum discussion.